Between the Stars 修改器-加强模式33項修改-支持+5.000 credits、+50.000 Credits、Infinite weapon energy等功能
Between the Stars 修改器 加强模式 (支持 33 項修改,不支持聯網模式)
+5.000 creditsNum 1
+50.000 CreditsAlt+F1
Infinite weapon energyLCtrl+F2
Infinite shieldsLCtrl+F1
Infinite ship-hull (godmode)RCtrl+F1
+1 Skillpoint (Captain)LCtrl+F10
+1 Skillpoint (Crew)LCtrl+F11
+500 ProtoniteAlt+F2
+500 Synthetic MineciteAlt+F3
+500 Hardened UroviteAlt+F4
+500 Argonic CrystalAlt+F5
+500 CalciniteAlt+F6
+500 Quantum CoreAlt+F7
+500 Black ArgaxAlt+F8
+500 Refined SideriumAlt+F9
+5.000 ProtoniteLCtrl+F3
+5.000 Synthetic MineciteLCtrl+F4
+5.000 Hardened UroviteLCtrl+F5
+5.000 Argonic CrystalLCtrl+F6
+5.000 CalciniteLCtrl+F7
+5.000 Quantum CoreLCtrl+F8
+5.000 Black ArgaxLCtrl+F9
+5.000 Refined SideriumLCtrl+0
Reset Credits to 0Num 0
Reset protonite to 0Num 2
Reset synthetic minecite to 0Num 3
Reset hardened urovite to 0Num 4
Reset argonic crystal to 0Num 5
Reset calcinite to 0Num 6
Reset quantum core to 0Num 7
Reset black argax to 0Num 8
Reset refined siderium to 0Num 9
①Between the Stars 修改器使用說明
- 1.下載 Between the Stars 修改器
- 2.啟動 Between the Stars 遊戲
- 3.啟動 Between the Stars 修改器
②Between the Stars 修改器 修改器操作步驟
- 1.關閉Windows安全中心
- 2.運行 Between the Stars 遊戲
- 3.Between the Stars 遊戲運行後點擊啟動按鈕
- 4.啟用成功後功能生效
- 5.可使用熱鍵控制功能開關