一、GameBuff是一款绿色软件,我们坚决抵制玩家破坏游戏环境、影响他人游戏平衡的行为 故我们提供SDK供开发者使用,以控制GameBuff是否被允许在游戏中应用。
二、如果您不允许我们在游戏中使用功能,可以使用此SDK对GameBuff进行禁用。 SDK:gbwsdk://enable=false
使用方法:使用浏览器在地址栏中输入gbwsdk://enable=false 然后跳转并确定该命令 即可成功禁用GameBuff。
1. GameBuff is a kind of green software. We firmly resist players' behaviors of destroying the game environment and affecting others' game balance. Therefore, we provide SDK for developers to control whether GameBuff is allowed to be used in the game.
2. If you do not allow us to use the function in the game, you can use this SDK to disable GameBuff. SDK: gbwsdk://enable=false
How to use: use the browser to input in the address bar gbwsdk://enable=false Then jump and confirm the command to disable GameBuff successfully.